CRASAC is committed to reflecting and responding to the diversity of the communities across Coventry and elsewhere. We provide and deliver accessible services to victims and survivors of sexual violence and to those who support them.
We practice equal opportunities in all areas and provide opportunities for all parts of the community to participate in the management and delivery of services. Information is gathered about the diversity of local communities and we use this is to design and evaluate access to service and in recruitment and selection.
CRASAC believes strongly that women and girls are disproportionately affected by sexual violence, and that as a result woman-only services are vital. Therefore our services provide female safe space, in line with Schedule 3 of the Equality Act 2010. In addition, in line with Schedule 9 of the Equality Act, all CRASAC staff and volunteers are female.
We believe that everyone has the right to volunteer on the same basis as other volunteers. Volunteers are involved in CRASAC on a fair and non-discriminatory basis. CRASAC proactively tries to engage a diverse team of volunteers, whose personal qualities, skills and interests will be matched to appropriate roles within CRASAC.

Diversity group
CRASAC has an internal working group, open to all staff and volunteers. The aim of this group is to promote diversity and equality both internally and externally and to increase our understanding of the issues and barriers which may prevent some communities from being able to access our services. This will help us to make sure we provide culturally sensitive, accessible support for all survivors to access.
The Diversity group also organise internal awareness events for volunteers and staff teams within the organisation. This helps us to increase our knowledge about different communities and celebrate our cultural differences.